Need Steel:
the best quotes
for your requests.

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The world of
metal at your

Need Steel is the new portal designed to connect professionals in the steel and metal semi-finished products industry, allowing for customized quotes in a short time.

With Need Steel, you will streamline your purchasing processes and quickly receive multiple quotes from the best partner suppliers of Need Steel!


How does Need Steel's service work?


Send your request

Through our extensive pre-loaded catalog, you can choose to submit your request either by a simple product search or by entering a customized request.


Compare the quotes

You will receive up to 20 quotes within 3 hours of submitting the request, which you can compare using the filter that best suits your needs: delivery times, payment terms, price.


Choose your supplyer

After selecting your quote, confirm it, and you will have access to complete information about the chosen supplier! This way, you can contact them directly to agree on various logistical aspects.

In your Dashboard, you will always have access to market trends, an overview of your requests, and a brief summary of the most advantageous quotes for all your requests.

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Need Steel

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